Tutkijat maailmalle
Scholarship Overview
Tutkijat maailmalle program provides grants for research in technology and economics abroad. The program is currently supported by four foundations – KAUTE Foundation, Walter Ahlstöm Foundation, Foundation for Economic Education and Nokia Foundation. Total funding available for grants in the program is EUR 450.000. The purpose of the program is to support ambitious technology or economics researchers to conduct research at a high-level foreign university or research institute.
Applying for the grant is done electronically at the program homepage. Applicants must be Finnish citizens or have permanent residence in Finland. The amount to be awarded is primarily intended to cover the additional costs of a 6-12 month continuous research visit, such as travel, moving and housing expenses, school fees for children and insurance costs. A working grant to cover the cost of living may also be included if the applicant does not have any other means of subsistence, such as salary paid by the host institution or a Finnish employer. The cost estimate submitted by the applicant will be taken into consideration, but the grant may be awarded smaller than the amount requested.
The maximum amount for a grant is EUR 50 000. Researchers working in companies can also apply for a grant. Applicants must have at least a master’s degree, but Nokia Foundation prefers advanced doctoral researchers or early postdocs.
How to apply
Call for applications is open from 1 March to 11 April 2025. In 2026, the call for Tutkijat maailmalle applications will open in March 2026. You can find more information about the Tutkijat maailmalle program from here and you can submit your grant application here.
11 April 2025 (decisions available by 30 June 2025)